Useful things to remember


Read and analyse the strategic and annual plan


Read and analyse the strategic and annual plan

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The OKR system works if you know what you are contributing to with your position and work. Read the Strategic and Annual Plans and write down questions about things that are unclear to you. Go through the questions with your managers and colleagues. If you have just joined MSF Italy, it is fundamental that you take your time to go through the organisations objectives. It is also important to go through the MSF Italy Strategic Plan (SP) and Annual Plan (AP), once in a while even if you are an 'old' MSF person.

Remember that MSF Italy strategic and annual objectives, are not departmental objectives. We all contribute to organizational objectives with our work. Individual objective can contribute to the objective of your area, or directly to an objective of your department. The important thing is to ensure that what you set as a priority is eventually aligned with the organizational goals.

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Understand departmental priorities

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Openly discuss with your manager and team members about the Objectives and Key Results (OKR) in place for your department. Actively participating in the Quarter Evaluation process ensures a comprehensive understanding of the team's progress, allowing for valuable input and adjustments as needed. This proactive approach not only strengthens team cohesion but also contributes to the overall success of achieving organizational goals, and in general contribute to the ambition of becoming a Learning Organization.

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Define one clear personal objective for the next quarter

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To kickstart the quarter, it is necessary to define one clear and concise personal objective that aligns with the organizational goals. This goal should support you in understanding where to put your energy and focus. It also helps in understanding if you need support from other people or department. In this case it is suggested to performa a Team Alignment Map (TAM) with such people.

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Develop measurable key results

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To make sure your OKRs work well, it's crucial to come up with clear and measurable Key Results. These are like marker that show how you're doing in reaching your goals. Make sure each Key Result is something you can measure, so you have a clear way to know if you're succeeding. These measurements act as checkpoints, helping you track your progress and make smart decisions based on data throughout the quarter.

Example: Good Key Results examples

Image: Wodtke, Christina. Radical Focus SECOND EDITION: Achieving Your Most Important Goals with Objectives and Key Results (Empowered Teams) (p. 70). Cucina Media, LLC. Kindle Edition.

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