Useful things to remember


Review your results


Review your results

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Before deep diving into the retrospective, conduct an initial reality check to assess how your quarter unfolded. It's important to note that the evaluation of your performance is not directly impacted by the OKRs.


  • If you significantly exceed your expected results, it may indicate that you set up the wrong OKR or lacked accurate data.
  • If all results align perfectly with your OKRs, it could suggest that you set your objectives too conservatively or easily.
  • If you didn’t fully achieve your OKRs (70/80%), that’s alright. It means you introduced the right level of challenge and uncertainty. Now, focus on understanding what you need to bridge the gap.
  • If you didn’t reach any of your objectives, it’s crucial to understand why and conduct a thorough review. Identify the factors that contributed to falling short and learn from them for future planning.

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Do an after action review of your OKR

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After completing your OKR cycle, conduct an After Action Review (AAR) to understand what went well and what could be improved. Utilize the "How to Innovate" practice for valuable insights into the innovation process.


As you conclude the AAR, you might emerge with new priorities that should be integrated into the planning of your upcoming OKRs. This continuous learning and adaptation process ensures that your future objectives align more effectively with your organizational goals.

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Share your learnings and start another cycle

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After finishing the After Action Review (ARR), share your learnings with the team. This knowledge exchange helps building a culture of continuous improvement. As you initiate another cycle, start by refining your plan based on the lessons learned. This iterative approach ensures that each cycle builds upon the previous one, driving ongoing success and adaptability in achieving your objectives.

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